French vehicle manufacturer UNAC presented its RIDER UGV as part of a manned-unmanned teaming concept by employing a UGV to support an infantry section. The company collaborated with Safran Electronics to equip the RIDER with autonomy functions.
The MINEO medium-range multifunction camera is associated with the Arquus Hornet Lite remotely operated turret, which is equipped with a 7.62- or 5.56-mm machine gun. The French Armament Agency DGA awarded UNAC a contract in 2017 to prepare the RIDER [Rapide Intervention Droppable Equipment for Raiders], an airdroppable truck with a “high crossing capacity” armed with two 7.62 mm machine guns. Its trailer is qualified for carrying a payload of 400 kg.
The airdroppable or carried under the helicopter sling RIDER was developed to allow paratroopers and special forces commandos to move quickly after being dropped at a safe distance from their intervention zone. Such a vehicle can also tow a 120 mm mortar, perform reconnaissance missions, or evacuate the wounded. UNAC proposes a new concept, the “robotic” trailer, to perform missions with airborne troops. The UGV RIDER can carry up to 800 kg of payload, including rations, water, fuel, and ammunition.
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French vehicle manufacturer UNAC presented its RIDER UGV as part of a manned-unmanned teaming concept by employing a UGV to support an infantry section.
Notre participation au salon Eurosatory 2024 a donné l'occassion à Jérôme HADACEK, de Milinfo, de réaliser plusieurs reportages photos.
During the international defense and security fair Eurosatory 2024, the French company Unac unveiled the Fardier–Rider, a robust and compact vehicle noted for its ease of use and maintenance. It has been particularly adopted by French special forces and parachute brigades.
Mais un fardier « robotisé » pourrait-il être utile aux troupes aéroportées ? En tout cas, UNAC le pense. En effet, à l’occasion du salon de l’armement aéroterrestre EuroSatory 2024, le constructeur a dévoilé un RIDER doté de « fonctionnalités d’autonomie avancées ».
Découvrez l'innovation au cœur de la défense terrestre dans un article sur le Rider d'UNAC, le véhicule tout-terrain conçu pour s'adapter aux exigences des opérations militaires modernes. Cet article offre un aperçu complet des essais rigoureux, des avancées technologiques, et des futures adaptations qui font du Rider d'UNAC un acteur clé sur le terrain. Plongez dans l'histoire de ce véhicule révolutionnaire, sa conception stratégique, et son impact potentiel dans des opérations internationales telles que l'opération Lynx en Estonie.
L'engin polyvalent du déploiement
Maintien de l'ordre
Le bulldozer compact aérolargable
Porte outils compact et puissant
La remorque militaire tout terrain
Le RIDER aérolargable